Isola. This is one of the buildings that make up the image of the usual North Bandung. Founded in year 1933. Designed by Dutch architect, CP Wolff Schoemaker, professor of architecture at the Hogeschool Techniche, now the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).

Looks like a ship. Art deco style architecture. Its facade enriched by curved lines horizontal. At the time, the field lines and give a dramatic effect on the shadow of the building. Symmetrical shapes, formal and authoritative expression. The main entrance of the building in the middle of protected curved concrete canopy dak crutch the pole on one end. Follow the side direction a sacred and cosmic elements, the north-south.

Isola now become office Rectorate University Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung-first IKIP Bandung. Its form still hard, even though now aged 75 years. Isola a reasonable degree of monumental architecture.